Guiding Your Merchant Customers into the Era of Android


When it comes to terminal space at the merchant’s countertop, less is more. When it comes to the POS devices themselves, more is more. For ISVs and VARs, this creates an interesting challenge – how can you provide the most ongoing value to your merchant customers in a compact, modern way? The answer: Android.

We are in a time of rapid innovation for payments, and there is more opportunity than ever to add new levels of functionality that transform the customer experience from in-aisle to checkout. The Android platform has emerged as one of the most versatile ways to provide this innovation and can be the differentiator that enables merchants to elevate how their customers checkout.

Here’s what makes Android such a standout option for your merchants

Android is a future-proof, fully integrated platform.

First and foremost, Android is a platform, not a device. When we talk about an Android solution, we’re referring to the full commerce platform, from the cloud-based infrastructure to the Android software to the POS devices themselves. Given this structure, Android is designed to continually adapt to changes in the market, where updates, new services and added functionality can be pushed in real-time all the way down to sleek, modern POS devices. Android is essentially future-proof, as it can be built upon from all angles. With this, merchants do not need to constantly purchase new POS devices to remain up-to-date and are part of a holistic platform connected to a larger developer network than any other mobile POS system.

Whitelisted Android app stores provide new opportunities.

Merchants are looking to meet customers’ expectations in an extremely competitive and innovative market. They want their POS devices to do more, and Android allows them to do so. This includes applications for accepting all payment methods, integrating loyalty at checkout, serving customers in-aisle, and so much more. Leveraging whitelisted app stores, ISVs and VARs can organize the apps available to merchants and help them to fulfill all the modern and innovative services that customers are expecting in-store.

The open Android API allows for personalized application development.

Within the Android development environment, merchants can work with VARs, ISVs and developers to create new applications for their needs. ISVs and VARs can customize POS devices with newly developed applications that can provide tailor-made services like built-in real-time analytics, inventory management or other administrative functionalities requested by merchants. Not only is this extremely useful for resellers looking to empower their customers with personalized services, but it is also a great opportunity for merchants to get exactly what they want to improve the way they run their business.

Android-as-a-Service adds value as you go.

Android is extremely conducive to as-a-Service value. Given the full platform, there are different features, applications, devices and more to choose from – and they can all be swapped out at any time. An ISV or VAR can walk merchants through the options they have to pick and choose what works for them. They can work together to personalize the POS devices and accompanying software, along with entirely new POS devices with the door always open for more or different options as store needs or budgetary changes, all enabled by the flexibility of Android.

Bringing Android to your Merchant Customers

Android modernizes payments, bringing a range of powerful applications, tools and functionalities to enhance the customer journey, which in turn drives revenue and loyalty for merchants. It remains adaptable in the face of changing needs, uses and loads, and can reduce the frequency of technology upgrades each year.

To stay competitive in an extremely innovative market, offering Android-based POS solutions is key to providing merchants the flexibility, modularity and support necessary to stay on top of the latest trends, offer the latest features to customers and deliver on business efficiency and customer experience. Read our white paper to learn about working with Android and what it can do for your merchant customers.

Jean-Christophe Titus is Head of B&A Software Delivery, North America at Ingenico

Jean-Christophe Titus.jpg

Jean-Christophe Titus

Head of Software Delivery

Ingenico North America

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