If you are a sole proprietor, you can use your personal bank account. However, if you operate as a registered company, the bank account must be in the company's name, not in the name of any manager or officer.
No, you can only connect a bank account that is in the same country where you signed up for Ingenico Tap to Pay solution.
Yes, as a regulated entity, we must comply with strict requirements set by financial regulators, card schemes (Visa and Mastercard), and our acquiring partner. This means we may not be able to support all business models. Restricted categories can change over time based on updates from our partners. We strive to keep the list of restricted categories up to date. For further questions, please contact our Support Team.
Yes, to process transactions with Ingenico SoftPOS, an internet connection is required, either through WiFi or mobile data with a minimum speed of 3G.
NFC is typically located on the back of your smartphone, near the center or top, but its exact position can vary depending on the device model. To use NFC, place the contactless card close to this area. Ensure the card is flat against the back of your phone for optimal reading.
Payouts to your bank account will be processed once our team has completed the verification of your business details. Typically, your first payout will be made within 1-2 business days. If any additional information is needed for verification, our team will reach out to you.